Scott and Tammy will feature a different medical cases of healthcare professionals that commit murder. Often called ‘Angels of Mercy’. Don’t let that moniker fool you. In fact, they are more like ‘Angels of Death’. Although this specific genre of murder can fall into any one or more of the six typologies that characterize a serial killer, it’s important to note their specific motivations will also vary. However, these motivations have many commonalities.
Two of the most common motivations are power/control and seeking attention for diagnosing/saving a patient. Additionally, these types of killers have also claimed to have committed their crimes out of mercy, eliminating those they found to be demanding/bothersome and desire to free up beds/space for high demand. Monetary gain might be claimed. However, this is rare. Listen in as Scotty and Tammy explore what drives the individual featured here
Tune in to hear the sinister details of individuals that choose to forgo their Hippocratic Oath to ‘first do no harm’ to feed their Dark Passenger!